Understanding Hebrews 8:5: The Heavenly Tabernacle and Its Implications for Believers
In Hebrews 8:5, the author addresses a significant concept rooted in the Old Testament, particularly the tabernacle and its role in worship. The verse reads:
"They serve at a sanctuary that is a copy and shadow of what is in heaven. This is why Moses was warned when he was about to build the tabernacle: "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain." (NIV)
To understand this verse fully, it’s important to unpack several key aspects: the concept of the heavenly sanctuary, the tabernacle's role as a shadow, and the warning given to Moses. Here’s a deeper look at what Hebrews 8:5 teaches us.
1. The Tabernacle as a Shadow of the Heavenly Reality
In the Old Testament, God commanded Moses to build a tabernacle—a portable place of worship—during the Israelites' time in the wilderness. The tabernacle was incredibly detailed, with specific instructions about its design, materials, and layout. It served as a place where God's presence would dwell among His people.
However, Hebrews 8:5 reveals something profound: the earthly tabernacle was not the ultimate reality, but a "copy and shadow" of a heavenly sanctuary. The tabernacle on earth was designed to reflect the holiness and majesty of God’s heavenly throne room. It was a visual representation of the divine, meant to point to the greater, spiritual reality that exists in heaven.
The term "shadow" is significant. Just as a shadow is an image of something real but lacking substance, the tabernacle served as a temporary and imperfect image of the eternal, perfect sanctuary in heaven. The real "substance" is not found in the earthly tabernacle but in the presence of God Himself in the heavenly sanctuary.
2. The Warning to Moses
In Hebrews 8:5, the author also refers to a warning God gave to Moses when he was instructed to build the tabernacle: "See to it that you make everything according to the pattern shown you on the mountain."
This warning emphasizes the importance of adhering strictly to the divine blueprint for the tabernacle. It was crucial that the tabernacle followed the exact pattern because it was meant to reflect the heavenly reality. The tabernacle was more than a structure—it was a symbolic representation of God’s holiness, His covenant with Israel, and His ultimate plan for redemption.
By following God's instructions precisely, Moses ensured that the earthly tabernacle would point to the heavenly one. This act of obedience highlighted the seriousness of God's plan and the sacredness of the tabernacle as a vehicle for encountering His presence.
3. The Heavenly Sanctuary: A Better Covenant
Hebrews 8 as a whole contrasts the old covenant, represented by the earthly tabernacle, with the new covenant, established through Jesus Christ. The writer emphasizes that while the earthly tabernacle was a shadow, Christ is the reality. Jesus serves as the high priest in the true sanctuary in heaven, offering a perfect sacrifice for the sins of humanity.
The tabernacle and its sacrificial system were never meant to be the final solution for sin; they were temporary and symbolic. Through Christ, the "better covenant" is now in effect (Hebrews 8:6), and believers have direct access to God, no longer needing an earthly tabernacle or priesthood to mediate their relationship with Him.
4. The Application for Believers Today
What does Hebrews 8:5 mean for us today? As modern Christians, we are no longer bound to the physical tabernacle or its rituals. However, this passage reminds us of the significance of Christ’s work. Jesus has entered the true, heavenly sanctuary and has perfected the way for us to draw near to God. The earthly tabernacle, though important in its time, was a temporary structure. The true sanctuary is found in heaven, and it is where Christ now ministers on our behalf.
This reality changes how we view worship. No longer do we need to rely on earthly rituals or intermediaries. Through Christ, we can approach God with confidence, knowing that He is our high priest and mediator. The shadow has passed away; the reality is here.
Hebrews 8:5 invites us to look beyond the earthly and temporal to the eternal and heavenly. The tabernacle of old served as a shadow pointing to a greater reality—the presence of God in the heavenly sanctuary. As believers, we now live under the new covenant, with access to God through Jesus Christ, who ministers in the true tabernacle in heaven. This perspective should inspire awe, gratitude, and a deep sense of reverence as we reflect on the significance of Christ's work and the access we now have to the Father.
In a world that often focuses on the temporary and the material, Hebrews 8:5 calls us to set our hearts on the eternal and to appreciate the spiritual realities that Christ has made possible through His sacrifice.
Hallelujah Amen