Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Deadly Delusion Coming! (Sheba Internatioanl)

 The Deadly Delusion: Satan's Last Deceptions and the Love of the Truth

In the last days, the world will witness unprecedented deceptions designed to lead even the elect astray. When Jesus' disciples asked Him about the signs of His return, His first warning was not about wars, famines, or natural disasters, but about deception. He said, “Take heed that no man deceive you” (Matthew 24:4). Jesus' concern for His followers was that they would be deceived, for He knew that knowing the signs of His return was not enough. What truly mattered was knowing the truth of God’s Word, for only the truth can protect us from the coming delusions.

Deceptions in the Last Days

The Apostle Paul warns us that “evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13). We already live in a world full of deception, but the greatest deception is still to come. Many people are consumed with the material and political conspiracies of today—talk of global elites, depopulation plans, or the enforcement of physical marks. While these issues are real concerns, they obscure a far greater spiritual deception that Satan is preparing.

In fact, Satan’s final deceptions will be so convincing that they will deceive many, including those who consider themselves followers of Christ. The biggest deception is not going to come from secular powers but from the very place many believers feel safest—within the churches.

The Churches: Deceived and Deceiving

There is a rising tide of movements, especially in places like America, where professed Christians are calling for a return to Christian values and the restoration of a godly nation. But too often, these same people reject the truth of God’s Word. For example, millions claim to honor God yet ignore the Sabbath day, which is the fourth commandment of God’s law. The church has been infiltrated with errors, and many will be deceived by these teachings, believing they are defending righteousness when they are actually trampling on God’s commandments.

Jesus made it clear: “My kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). We are not to align ourselves with earthly kingdoms, political movements, or secular ideologies. Instead, our allegiance must be to Christ and His truth alone. Sadly, many churches today are unwittingly preparing the stage for Satan to use them in his grand deception, performing signs and wonders that will deceive the masses.

Satan's Signs and Wonders

The Bible warns us that before Christ’s return, Satan will use all his power to perform miraculous signs and wonders, designed to deceive the world. In 2 Thessalonians 2:9, Paul describes this as “the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.” The deceptions will be so convincing that they could deceive even the very elect, “if it were possible” (Matthew 24:24).

The miracles performed by Satan will appear to be signs from God. But remember, Satan masquerades as “an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14), and his ministers appear as “ministers of righteousness.” The purpose of these miracles will not be to glorify God but to mislead people into worshiping the beast and following false teachings.

The Image of the Beast

In Revelation 13, we learn that Satan will work through a union of church and state—the “image of the beast.” This false religious system will use miracles and wonders to deceive the world into following a false Christ and rejecting the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We are seeing early forms of this in the ecumenical movements today, where various denominations are coming together, not on the foundation of truth, but on a compromise that disregards God’s commandments.

The Love of the Truth: Our Only Protection

So, what can protect us from this deadly delusion? The answer is clear: a love of the truth. Paul warns that those who are deceived will be those who “received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved” (2 Thessalonians 2:10). Only those who cling to the truth of God’s Word, who love and obey it, will be able to discern the lies of the enemy.

Satan will use all his power to deceive the world, but the sword of the Spirit—the Word of God—is our defense. To stand firm in these last days, we must know the truth and be willing to live by it, no matter the cost. Jesus Himself is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6), and it is only through Him and His Word that we can be saved.

The Final Test: Do You Love the Truth?

As the world becomes more deceptive, the final test for each one of us will be whether we have a love for the truth. Do we love the truth of God’s Word, or do we prefer the pleasures of this world? Do we seek righteousness, or do we find comfort in sin? Satan is setting up his final delusions, but God promises to protect those who love His truth.

In these last days, when signs and wonders abound, remember the words of Isaiah: “To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them” (Isaiah 8:20). Our only safeguard is God’s Word. Study it. Live by it. And above all, love it with all your heart, for only the truth will keep you safe from the coming deceptions.


Great deceptions are already at work in the world, and they will only intensify as we approach the return of Jesus Christ. The signs and wonders Satan will perform will be so convincing that only those who love the truth will be able to stand firm. We must be vigilant, clinging to God’s Word and living according to its truth, so that we are not deceived by the powerful delusions of the enemy. Let us choose truth over lies, righteousness over sin, and Christ alone as our Savior. Only then will we be ready for His return.

Jesus is the Truth. Stand with Him.

In Christ

Dr. Phil Spears                             For Media Links Click On Image

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